Make My Brother Share The Inheritance

Kingdom believers, what is most important to God?  We who have the scriptures know. To love God, follow His commandments, and love your neighbor as your self.  The entire “Law and Prophets” is summed up in this.  But why can’t we put all our desires aside and love God and one another.  We know this is right.  But we just can’t do it.  Some have ask the question “Is #Christmas A pagan Holiday”? Another (Luke 12) ask of the Lord Jesus, “make my brother share the inheritance with me”.  And the Lord answers with a question, “Who made Me judge or arbiter between you and him”.  You see if we know the TRUTH we have our answers. Why would anyone ask such a question concerning Christmas if you love Christ and know all the benefits of his coming. Or, if we know that there should not be any lack among the members of the body of Christ why is one #homeless, one naked, or one hungry? Why does one brother have to beg or prove he is due his inheritance. It is because of greed and the holding on to one’s material possessions. Yes we can share the joy, the love, the faith, the tolerance, but no this building, this #business, the skill, these jobs, these positions, no this is not the inheritance the word is talking about.

I personally don’t have the will to fight for such things. I know the Lord is my provider, and I know He can provide, deliver, and satisfy all my needs. But this does not make me innocent. And also I am not a fool to anyone except for Christ. So I must speak up for the unfortunate, the mute, the deaf, the lame and etc. So I see why the hypocrite would say Christmas is a pagan day. He has a guilty conscience about all the stores he owns at the mall decked out in Santa Clause, Holy, and #HappyHolidays. He gives the pagan, heathen, or what other vile name he can think of his minimum wages for 24/7 and holidays, and he thinks he has done his duty.

I hope someone will read this and know that the same struggles the world has the Church has also. But as believers we live by faith in God. It seems no one wants to acknowledge that all things belong to God. The Lord tells a rich young ruler to sell all your goods and give to the poor. Then in another place the word says no greedy person has any inheritance in the Kingdom of God. We ask and don’t receive because we do not want to spend our possessions on the things that pleases God (James 2).

Many unbelievers give their time and money to care for the needy but do not acknowledge God. As believers we are no better when we weigh down thousands of brothers and sister with rules and rituals that in themselves make void the grace, mercy, freedom, and the inheritance that comes with acknowledging and obeying God. And we believers loose our authority to ask for what is rightfully ours as Children of the King when we do not speak up or stand up for what is right.

It is a new day and light has come into the world to expose the age old evil of the world. The Light will expose the hypocrite and greedy desires of men. Finally believers, study to show yourselves approved before God, a workman rightly dividing the word of truth.

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Grace and Peace from our Heavenly Father, and the Lord Jesus. I am Lezah Rous Edwards (Pen), Promise Seed CDC, Inc at a 501-C-3) tax exempt corporation.

Turning Dreams Into Action In 2013

It’s been awhile since my last posting, and I really do miss the coherency of having a blog to vent my ideas, successes, and failures.  But it’s been all good.  For me it’s not about money, (short term money that is). It’s about doing everything that I know is within my God-given abilities.  Those things are always available and FREE.

Let me tell you what I’ve been able to accomplish with only $475.00 (less than $500) over the entire year of 2012. I invested in a micro business, upgraded my website and extended it for 6 more months.  I supported several local, national and international charities.  That’s what the numbers and records say.

Now for the FREE stuff.  I have a free profile at facebook, twitter, linkedin, google+, youtube, wordpress, foursquare, flicker, tumbler, slideshare, and probably a few others I have not visited since the last time I posted here.  LinkedIn says I have millions in connnections.  And there are so many groups that I am a member of that my mailbox is on information overload everyday.  I am connected to heads of major corporations and people that have studied at the highest levels of education.  I am not timid about connecting.  In 2013, using this same title from this post, “Turning Dreams Into Action In 2013, I received more responses from this one post than I got in all of 2012.

Other major responses came from a post unrelated to anything I call the business of “giving back”.   That let’s me know it’s about passion, participating in sport, leisure, resting in the joy of the Lord, laying it all down, not holding anything back, because everything belongs to the Lord.

In 2013 I’m letting go of pride. And I’m acknowledging my integrity as a believer in the Lord.  I know what I desire is not just getting money and giving it away to the poor. It’s about using all that I know I’m not using up to my potential because of little things like laziness, boredom, and pity parties.  Wanting things to be perfect and worrying about what others think.  That takes up a lot of time! And I am sick of it. It’s just BS!

Everything I do is about my hopes, and dreams.  Everything has a place and I’m the one that knows where best to put it.  The Lord is going to use my life to do something great whether I like it or not!  So I am going to experience what His love for me is. And people are going to know Him through knowing me.  I’m not holding nothing back.  Deceit and greed is going to be exposed, and if it shows up in me, so be it, as long as a moment doesn’t turn into a lifetime, and a lifetime into eternity.

That takes me back to those millions of connections LinkedIn says I have and the Klout score I get just for getting a comment or two from someone who is suppose to be somebody because of their salary, or position.  Is there anywhere in the world that men and women have not been exposed as addicts of pride and pleasure.  (I’m not going to change, even if it kills me.  And not only that I don’t care if the next generation has no one to tell them about the prosperity in giving and that this is what matters.)

I’m glad I borrowed this opportunity to write these words.  I believe my dream will wait on me, because I believe God, that he has set eternity in my heart and He has credited righteousness unto me so I may  write for a generation yet unborn.  That is the “Promise Seed”, not in my time or season, but in His time when he tells His-story of me.  Until next time…..keep knocking, the Lord will pour out a blessing you will not have room to receive.


Trying to be authentic?  Stay humble and true to your roots.  Recognize you’re not in this alone and that you’re just a small piece of the puzzle.  Stay humble.

Now-days, I hear a lot of trust being put into these words; “what God has for me it is for me”.  Whatever happened to “I will bless you and you will be a blessing to all the nations”?   Stay humble, stay true.

It’s was easy to be humble when everybody around me was the same and there were no egos in need of praise. I was authentic while I was walking alone.  I was authentic when I spoke from my own thoughts and understanding. When I didn’t hear the other voice of my inner being, saying trust me and lean not to your own understanding.  So now my story is “Stay Humble” my “Promise Seed” because HIS-Story has taught me that’s the best way. Acknowledge God in all your ways and he will give you the desires of your heart. 

 Hussssh…I hear that still small voice…my gift from God…my Promise Seed…gentle and comforting…meek and mild…a hound from heaven…a Lion…everywhere I am.  In season and out, you are fruitful.  Like a tree planted by streams of cystal clear water you run through my viens, and my passion is only for you.  I can never stray too far from you because you keep your Promise Seed within.  Stay humble my Promise Seed, for the meek shall inherite the whole land.  Your are LORD of Lords, and KING of Kings in my heart.