At the scale of heaven

Sometimes the only experiences or perspectives we have are those that are shared by others. Lets see Paris through the eyes of Kamal Bennani. We only share the best things in Life at “Livingthepromiseseedlife”. Hope you enjoy. Please follow his blog.

Kamal Bennani Photography


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Make My Brother Share The Inheritance

Kingdom believers, what is most important to God?  We who have the scriptures know. To love God, follow His commandments, and love your neighbor as your self.  The entire “Law and Prophets” is summed up in this.  But why can’t we put all our desires aside and love God and one another.  We know this is right.  But we just can’t do it.  Some have ask the question “Is #Christmas A pagan Holiday”? Another (Luke 12) ask of the Lord Jesus, “make my brother share the inheritance with me”.  And the Lord answers with a question, “Who made Me judge or arbiter between you and him”.  You see if we know the TRUTH we have our answers. Why would anyone ask such a question concerning Christmas if you love Christ and know all the benefits of his coming. Or, if we know that there should not be any lack among the members of the body of Christ why is one #homeless, one naked, or one hungry? Why does one brother have to beg or prove he is due his inheritance. It is because of greed and the holding on to one’s material possessions. Yes we can share the joy, the love, the faith, the tolerance, but no this building, this #business, the skill, these jobs, these positions, no this is not the inheritance the word is talking about.

I personally don’t have the will to fight for such things. I know the Lord is my provider, and I know He can provide, deliver, and satisfy all my needs. But this does not make me innocent. And also I am not a fool to anyone except for Christ. So I must speak up for the unfortunate, the mute, the deaf, the lame and etc. So I see why the hypocrite would say Christmas is a pagan day. He has a guilty conscience about all the stores he owns at the mall decked out in Santa Clause, Holy, and #HappyHolidays. He gives the pagan, heathen, or what other vile name he can think of his minimum wages for 24/7 and holidays, and he thinks he has done his duty.

I hope someone will read this and know that the same struggles the world has the Church has also. But as believers we live by faith in God. It seems no one wants to acknowledge that all things belong to God. The Lord tells a rich young ruler to sell all your goods and give to the poor. Then in another place the word says no greedy person has any inheritance in the Kingdom of God. We ask and don’t receive because we do not want to spend our possessions on the things that pleases God (James 2).

Many unbelievers give their time and money to care for the needy but do not acknowledge God. As believers we are no better when we weigh down thousands of brothers and sister with rules and rituals that in themselves make void the grace, mercy, freedom, and the inheritance that comes with acknowledging and obeying God. And we believers loose our authority to ask for what is rightfully ours as Children of the King when we do not speak up or stand up for what is right.

It is a new day and light has come into the world to expose the age old evil of the world. The Light will expose the hypocrite and greedy desires of men. Finally believers, study to show yourselves approved before God, a workman rightly dividing the word of truth.

Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, Grace and Peace from our Heavenly Father, and the Lord Jesus. I am Lezah Rous Edwards (Pen), Promise Seed CDC, Inc at a 501-C-3) tax exempt corporation.

Fifteen More Years

Hi everyone.  Just felt like writing today because I have so much to be thankful for, it would be wrong towards God to keep it to myself.  Hope this helps somebody.

October is special for me because 15 years ago I was challenged with a diagnosis of Kidney Cancer.  At that time I put my faith into ACTION and today I am even more rooted in my Savior. It was actually September 1999 when I got the news, and a month later before I had my pruning.  That’s what I’m calling my surgery because of that word that reminds me that He cuts off every branch that is not bearing fruit so that my other members can bear more fruit.

There is a story in the Bible about a King, Hezakiah, who after being robbed by someone who he had confided in, he got sick. (Communing with, and confiding in the wrong people can rob you of the spirit and make you sick.)  He made some kind of medicinal paste out of figs, he prayed, and he asked the Lord for 15 more years.  I don’t actually remember asking the Lord for 15 more years but here I am here by His grace and His mercy.

The Lord has given me this time and I am  grateful for this opportunity to share the fruitfulness of growing in His spirit with anyone who has eyes to see, and ears to hear.  I am closer to the Lord because of this experience and more confident of His love towards me because even though I did not ask, He kept me all these years despite my shortcomings and lack of faith.  I can go to Him in prayer or I can read His word.  Which ever way we communicate with our Lord, let us not forget to ask, knock, and seek him above all other, for only He knows the number of our years.

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Break Up with Your Mentor If It’s Time to Move On

Another great reblog from CPerky…Enjoy.

Cperky's Blog

A great mentor can do wonders for your career, but if you’ve reached the point where you’re no longer learning from him or the chemistry has fizzled, don’t prolong the relationship. In order to grow, it’s necessary to move on. Maybe your mentor’s skill doesn’t align with where your career is heading, or you just want a mentor who has more time to offer. Start the separation conversation by sharing your appreciation for all of his time and effort. Detail everything you’ve learned from him and explain how those skills will continue to help you. Be honest and transparent about why your future plans necessitate a shift, and frame it considerately: “Given my change in focus, I wonder if getting together regularly is the best use of your time.” Leave the door open for possible future collaborations, and offer any assistance to return the kindness and help he’s given you.

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Overcome Your Fear of Conflict

So true, please share with your friends and colleagues,

Cperky's Blog

Many of us try to avoid confrontation. Instead of addressing issues directly, we try to be “nice” and then later vent about the frustration eating away at us. This can take a significant toll on our health and self-esteem — and on our work relationships and reputation. Next time you notice yourself shying away from conflict, focus on the business needs and speak objectively. For example, if you have a coworker who always interrupts you in meetings, explain the need to present a unified front: “In the last meeting, I noticed we were interacting in a way that may be throwing off the team.

It’s important to appear united. Can we determine our roles in advance or establish cues for when it’s time to pass the baton?” People avoid conflict because they assume that it has to be aggressive or disrespectful. It doesn’t — if you remain approachable, non-judgmental, and…

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To Improve at Work, Examine All Aspects of Your Life

A Balance Life Is A Big Part Of Living As “Promised Seed”

Cperky's Blog

It’s not an outrageous idea:  devoting less time to work can ease stress and boost productivity. It can also allow you to be more engaged with your family, community, and the things you do just for you. These four-way wins – improvements at work, at home, in your community, and in your private life – take experimentation and help.   Start by diagnosing your four-way view:  What’s important to you? Where do you focus most of your attention?   Talk to the most important people in the different aspects of your life, and find out what you really need from each other.   

Use these answers to better align what really matters to you and what you do, and design an experiment to improve your performance in each of the four domains; for example, start an exercise program, carve out daily time for family, join a big community project, etc…

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I’m ticked Off!

Here’s my ticker at #empireave, Why I’m ticked off is because at least 10 people should go and follow me, but maybe just one will. And that’s to bad because I’ve come across so many profiles in the social media arena that are begging for attention, and simply are just too lack luster to gain any type of momentum. At EA that’s what the game is all about virtual promotion with virtual money to build real valued social media presence that brings in real money.

I’m a #notforprofit, but I need this more than any other entity on the Ave. Learning how to invest and take risk without the pressure of loosing everything is just plain old #professional development. I’ve been on the Avenue for a little over 6 weeks. Before this I had no idea whether or not I was accomplishing anything, and just hoping someone would like or comment my material. And just to be frank my online donations were zero, facebook was meaningless, twitter had no cherp, and at google I was just going in circles. As a #faithbased not for profit I am into the planting on good ground, and running #missions is my #Promise Seed Brand. EA has increased my social presence at least 30 or 60, and even 100% value in this new network.

This weekend there is a great event for newcomers and newbies at Empire Avenue called #Pendapalooza where the EA Stock Market is on free fall. Again, I’m hoping at least 10 of my #Wordpress followers will follow my ticker and snatch up all this “Free” exposure. Give your social media time spent the added boost to get real clients and meet your goals. You can’t beat free, and you don’t want to “Tick me Off” :-). So here’s my ticker again, follow the link, sign up if this is your first visit, and start seeing some action in your networks. I will feel better and you will also.

#Happy Autism Awareness Month
#Happy Poetry Month

Perspectives: Blogging About Autism

Congratulations to all these bloggers who have the courage to share these insights about living with Autism or Loving someone who has Autism. I am a member of this community and proud to say I have loved someone and lived with someone with Autism for 32 years. Thanks for sharing….. News

Back on Autism Awareness Day, Katie Tackettwrote a post on Thought Catalog to share her feelings and raise awareness of what it’s like to parent Aubrey, her three-year-old daughter who has severe autism:

How can we expect that snotty woman behind us in line at the grocery store to know that our daughter is not just an out-of-control three-year-old, and it’s also not us just being ineffective parents? The truth is, we can’t expect people to take autism seriously unless they know what it’s like to love someone with severe autism or be someone with severe autism.

Living With Autism

Over at Living With Autism, blogger, teacher, and poet Liz shares the challenges and celebrations of caring for her adult son Dylan, who has autism. Liz reflects on early interventions for Dylan and the risks and rewards of new experiences.

Through her poetry, Liz considers how…

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